Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, Komputer, dan Aplikasinya (JTIKA ) http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA <p>Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, Komputer dan Aplikasinya (JTIKA) adalah jurnal ilmiah di bidang teknologi informasi, ilmu komputer dan aplikasinya yang dipublikasi oleh Program Studi Teknik Informatika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram dengan&nbsp;<strong><em>online ISSN 2657-0327 dan sudah terakreditasi SINTA 4</em></strong><strong><em>. </em></strong>JTIKA&nbsp;adalah <strong>open access</strong> jurnal&nbsp;dengan proses review secara&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>blind</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;dan&nbsp;<em>peer-review </em>&nbsp;yang&nbsp; dilakukan oleh sekurang-kurangnya &nbsp;2 orang reviewer.&nbsp; JTIKA memiliki Jumlah terbitan sebanyak 2 kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan <strong>Maret</strong> dan <strong>September</strong>.</p> <p>Tujuan utama JTIKA adalah sebagai media untuk mempublikasikan artikel&nbsp;hasil penelitian, inovasi aplikasi, studi perbandingan yang&nbsp;berkualitas baik&nbsp;dan&nbsp;mengikuti&nbsp;perkembangan dan tren teknologi baru dibidang&nbsp;Teknologi informasi, Komputer adan Aplikasinya. Artikel yang dipublikasikan pada JTIKA dapat ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa Inggris.</p> Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram en-US Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, Komputer, dan Aplikasinya (JTIKA ) 2657-0327 SPELLING ERROR CORRECTION IN INDONESIAN USING DAMERAU-LEVENSHTEIN DISTANCE DAN N-GRAM http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/169 <p>Writing errors or spelling is a thing that needs to be considered because it can affect the calculations performed by some of the topics on Natural Language Processing that relies on the validity of the input data. Several studies have been conducted to correct writing errors that occur, one of which study by Fahma, A. I., et al using n-gram method and Levenshtein distance produced corrections with the best precision value of 0.97 for insertion type and best recall value by 1 for substitution types. With high accuracy, this study proposes to use the algorithm of development of Levenshtein, namely Damerau-Levenshtein, and n-gram methods. Damerau-Levenshtein has the same operations like insertion, deletion, substitution but with the addition of transposition operations between two characters. Damerau not only distinguishes four edit operations but also states that operations in the developed algorithms, can fit about 80% of all human writing errors. The types of n-grams used are bigram (n = 2) and trigram (n = 3). The testing results obtained in this study for the detection accuracy of the precision and recall ranged from 80%-100%. While correction accuracy testing uses equations proposed by Dahlmier and Ng, among the average accuracy values of precision and recall for all three scenarios, scenario C with a top 10 rating has the highest accuracy value of 96%.</p> Diah Anggreni Ratna Sari Kokong Budi Irmawati Ramaditia Dwiyansaputra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 257 263 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.169 PENGENALAN POLA SUKU KATA AKSARA BIMA DENGAN BARIS TANDA BUNYI MENGGUNAKAN EKSTRAKSI CIRI MOMENT INVARIANT DENGAN METODE ANN http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/188 <p><em>The Bimanese script is one of the archipelago's cultural heritage that needs to be preserved. The problem arose when some Bimanese people doubted the existence of the Bimanese script. Therefore, it is essential to safeguard the Bimanese script and learn the Bimanese script starting from reading and then understanding the letters. After that, add a line of sound marks to entirely understand the Bimanese script's meaning. This study aims to build an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model to recognize the Bimanese Script Syllable Pattern with Sound Sign Lines by using Moment Invariant feature extraction. Before doing the training, first, determine the parameters on the ANN using the Tuning Hyperparameter, in the test, using a dataset of 2250 images of the Bimanese script. Based on the results of the tests carried out based on the optimal parameters, the accuracy is 77.59%, precision is 78.44%, recall is 77.61%, and F1-Score is 77.33%. Then for testing using K-Fold cross-validation, the best results were obtained using K = 9 with a ratio of 8:1 where the resulting accuracy was 79.74%. Overall the results of this study are expected to preserve the Bimanese script and are developed more widely.</em></p> Muhammad Naufal Rizqullah Ramaditia Dwiyansaputra Fitri Bimantoro ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 264 274 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.188 PENGEMBANGAN RESTFUL API UNTUK APLIKASI KLASIFIKASI JENIS TANAH BERBASIS MOBILE PADA GOOGLE CLOUD http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/335 <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Soil plays an important role and serves as the foundation of life for all living things. Determining soil type is very important in fields such as agriculture, land management, and environmental studies. Various methods, including soil content, or color classification methods, as well as conducting laboratory tests, can be used to identify soil types. However, these often require the involvement of experts and are time-consuming and expensive. To overcome these challenges, machine learning models with computer vision techniques can be used through mobile-based applications.</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to link a machine learning model, to automatically classify soils into four types: alluvial, red, black, and clay soils with a mobile app called Terralysis through the RESTful API. Utilizing the advanced capabilities of mobile device cameras, users can take pictures of the land, upload them to the app, and receive the results.&nbsp;</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Integration with RESTful APIs facilitates seamless communication between mobile applications and machine learning models running on servers. RESTful APIs enable efficient and easy-to-use communications, ensuring easy updates and improved performance without overwhelming the mobile application. This approach improves application responsiveness, while powerful servers perform heavy processing tasks. Terralysis provides an efficient, fast, and accessible way for users without access to a laboratory or soil specialist to classify soil types, significantly reducing time and costs accurately.</span></em></p> Muh Firdaus Royana Afwani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 275 287 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.335 APLIKASI BERBASIS WEB PEMBELAJARAN ADAT ACEH http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/336 <p>Aceh, provinsi paling barat Indonesia dan rumah bagi berbagai budaya, terletak di dekat titik paling utara pulau Sumatera. Aceh juga menunjukkan keragaman adat dan ciri khas daerah. Adat dan tradisi membentuk ciri dan budaya masing-masing daerah. Untuk memastikan bahwa tradisi Aceh dijunjung tinggi dan dilestarikan oleh generasi mendatang, pemaparan budaya Aceh ini harus dimulai sejak anak-anak masih belajar tentang dunia di sekitar mereka. Namun, karena pesatnya kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, masyarakat Aceh semakin mengadopsi tren teknis baru dan seringkali mengabaikan tradisi lokal. Penulis melakukan wawancara dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan cara penulis langsung mengunjungi Bapak Bulman Safar dari Dinas Kebudayaan Dan Pariwisata Aceh. Dari hasil penelusuran beliau sebagai bagian dari kebudayaan di Dinas Kebudayaan Dan Pariwisata Aceh. Anak-anak dan orang dewasa sama dalam budaya saat ini kurang memahami tentang adat Aceh, hal ini dapat dilihat dari Salah satu penyebabnya yaitu karena seiring dengan berkembangan teknologi banyak dari kaum milenial yang lebih mengutamakan <em>gadget</em> dari pada informasi mengenai adat yang ada di Aceh. Saat ini dalam beberapa waktu terakhir, istilah teknologi baru semakin digaungkan. Selain metaverse, pengembangan teknologi web menggunakan <em>Framework Code Igniter</em> juga semakin sering kita dengar. Beberapa pakar teknologi mengemukakan bahwa web <em>Framework Code Igniter</em> akan menjadi jenis internet baru yang tidak hanya secara akurat menafsirkan apa yang dimasukkan oleh pengembang. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara di atas penulis tertarik untuk membangun sebuah Aplikasi Pembelajaran Adat Aceh Berbasis Web, yang dapat memudahkan masyarakat dalam mencari informasi mengenai adat Aceh, baik pakaian adat, tarian, rumah, senjata tradisional. Didalam aplikasi ini nantinya informasi adat Aceh di sajikan dalam bentuk text, gambar dan video. Siswa-siswi dan masyarakat dapat mengakses konten pembelajaran dengan mengakses <em>link website</em>. Selain itu, menginspirasi mereka untuk lebih menghargai dan menjaga warisan budaya Aceh. Selain bermanfaat bagi anak-anak sekolah dasar, ilmu ini juga bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Aceh, yang dapat memanfaatkannya untuk mempelajari adat istiadat setempat dan memastikan bahwa mereka tidak melupakannya.</p> Rahmat Musfikar T Najri Mira Maisura ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 288 297 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.336 SISTEM INFORMASI BUKU PENGHUBUNG PENILAIAN KARAKTER SISWA SDIT LUQMAN AL-HAKIM MERAUKE http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/346 <p><em>The connecting book is an administrative form prepared by Elementary School (SD) teachers to serve as an indirect communication tool for conveying important information about a child's development at school. SDIT Al-Hakim Merauke, one of the schools that implements the communication book system, currently still uses a manual method to fill out the book. This process is carried out by homeroom teachers with the aim of providing information and assessments of students' behavior at school to their parents. However, manual entry makes the communication book vulnerable to damage and the possibility of loss. In addition, the number of communication books that each teacher must manage also makes the recording process less efficient. Therefore, the background of this research is to develop a web-based informaton system aimed at assisting homeroom teachers and parents in the communication book recording process, as well as presenting students' progress at school more efficiently. The creation and development of this system use the Waterfall approach, utilizing PHP programming language and MySQL as the database management. Thus, the result of this research is an application that can provide information effectively and efficiently. The User Acceptance Test results indicate that 87.63% of users indicate that this communication book application can facilitate homeroom teachers and parents in the communication book recording process and provide information about students' development and activities at school.</em></p> Syaiful Nugraha Lilik Sumaryanti Muhammad Iqbal ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 298 307 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.346 IMPLEMENTASI METODE PERSONAL EXTREME PROGRAMMING DALAM PERACANGAN APLIKASI PEMESANAN RUANG RAPAT BERBASIS ANDROID DISKOMINFO JAWA TIMUR http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/348 <p><em>The advancement of information technology greatly enhances human activities, including the introduction of information management and meeting room reservation systems. In the East Java Provincial Office of Communication and Informatics, manual room reservation processes pose challenges, especially when administrators are unavailable. To address this, a research project aims to develop an IT-based application for efficient meeting room management and reservation. This will simplify the process for employees, enabling systematic and effective room bookings. The application allows users to check room availability online in real-time, eliminating the need for direct interaction with administrators. This implementation is expected to significantly enhance the overall efficiency of the East Java Provincial Office of Communication and Informatics. The application development will follow Personal Extreme Programming (PXP), known for its adaptability in software development. PXP involves stages like requirements, planning, design, implementation, and testing, iterated as needed. Successful application of PXP relies on skilled developers, requiring clear requirement identification and accurate work estimation. This research builds upon prior studies demonstrating accelerated project completion using PXP. It aims to provide insights into applying PXP for flexible software development, emphasizing information technology's role in enhancing organizational efficiency.</em></p> Muhammad Sulthoni Akbar Ilyas Nuryasin Didih Rizki Chandranegara ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 308 315 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.348 RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI KONVERSI FILE EXCEL KE FILE KML BERBASIS WEB http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/353 <p><em> Telkom STO (Automatic Telephone Center) 1 Kendari is one of the communication devices owned by PT. Indonesian Telecommunication to connect or distribute data from one area to another. The AOD (Access Optima and Daman) division is a division which in some of its activities uses the Google Earth application to view data, one of which is the distribution of ODP (Optical Distribution Point), but in its use there are still many obstacles that make these activities not run smoothly like the process Moving data from Excel to KML format takes a lot of time because the conversion system used is still incomplete, so some data has to be managed manually. Therefore, it is necessary to have a computerized application so that the implementation of activities related to transferring data from Excel to KML can run well and can be used by various parties in real time. This application was created using the PHP programming language with MySQL as the database and the Waterfall method for development because this development model takes a systematic and sequential approach so that the development process can be completed more easily and quickly. Application testing was carried out by application testing in the form of a trial from Telkom STO 1 which went well.</em></p> Zahwa Diah A.P Muh. Tegar Saputra A’tika Nurfadilah Ilham Julian Efendi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 316 323 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.353 CLASSIFYING OVER-THE-TOP NETWORK TRAFFIC USING DEEP LEARNING ALGORITHMS WITH DESIGN SCIENCE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IMPLEMENTATION http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/355 <p><em>Classifying network traffic is the foundational step in analyzing diverse applications reliant on network infrastructure, particularly focusing on identifying Over-The-Top (OTT) application traffic using encryption. This methodology empowers Internet service providers and network operators to manage Quality of Service (QoS) performance effectively. Nonetheless, widespread encryption protocols have rendered traditional traffic identification obsolete. Despite limited work in this area, deep learning algorithms are expected to provide a practical solution. This paper introduces a framework outlining the construction of a classifier architecture through the Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM), suitable for producing information system artifacts. The classifier model is built upon deep learning algorithms—CNN, LSTM, and Bi-LSTM. Applying the DSRM approach to deploy the OTT classifier incorporates a deep learning model, offering performance assessment in terms of accuracy, recall, precision, f1-score, and the AUC-ROC curve. The evaluation results of the three models demonstrated strong performance, with accuracy values ranging from 0.83 to 0.96 on the test data. Specifically, the LSTM model show better performance in classifying OTT applications network traffic, achieving an accuracy of 0.96 and an f1-score of 0.95, surpassing the Bi-LSTM and CNN models. </em></p> Faradias Izza Azzahra Faisal Armin Lawi Eliyah Acantha Manapa Sampetoding ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 324 332 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.355 SISTEM ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) BERBASIS WEB DENGAN PENDEKATAN OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (OOP) BAGI KEDAI KOPI http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/356 <p><em>Kadatuan Koffie, sebuah perusahaan penjualan kopi yang telah beroperasi selama hampir sepuluh tahun, telah menghadapi tantangan dalam menjalankan operasinya secara manual. Aktivitas administratif, seperti pencatatan laporan keuangan, riwayat transaksi, manajemen pergudangan, dan lainnya, masih dilakukan dengan cara konvensional. Kondisi ini semakin rumit seiring bertambahnya volume data. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) menjadi solusi sistem informasi yang mengintegrasikan semua unit dan fungsi dalam sebuah organisasi ke dalam satu sistem komputer terintegrasi, memenuhi kebutuhan spesifik dari berbagai unit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan sistem informasi ERP berbasis web untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasional Kadatuan Koffie menggunakan metode Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Hasilnya adalah aplikasi ERP berbasis web yang telah berhasil diimplementasikan dan menjadi bagian integral dari operasional harian Kadatuan Koffie. Sistem ini mencakup pencatatan data pemasukan, pengeluaran, manajemen stok, dan penyusunan laporan keuangan sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan. Penilaian kinerja sistem informasi menunjukkan hasil yang sangat baik pada berbagai kriteria. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan responden, evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa sistem ERP yang dibangun dinilai "sangat baik" dengan mayoritas nilai tinggi pada setiap kriteria dengan perbandingan nilai "sangat baik" dan "baik" adalah 64.7% dan 35.3%, menandakan tingkat keberhasilan dan penerimaan yang tinggi terhadap sistem di kalangan penggunanya.</em></p> Irfan Ardiansah Abdurachman Ghifary Selly Harnesa Putri Devi Maulida Rahmah Yanti Rubiyanti Ryan Hara Permana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 333 344 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.356 RANCANG BANGUN PROTOTYPE SISTEM E-ARSIP PEMBIAYAAN KPR BERBASIS WEB PADA PT BANK SYARIAH INDONESIA KCP BEKASI TIMUR http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/357 <p><em>BSI is one of the banks that still uses a manual KPR financing data archiving system. The problem that occurs at BSI, especially the Bekasi branch, is that requests for financing copies take 14 working days or even longer. Therefore, the information system for archiving KPR financing documents at BSI, which was initially still manual, has become a computerized information system. So, an e-archive for KPR financing was built at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia using the prototype method. Where the existence of the E-archive system makes it easier for the financing department to manage KPR financing archives for Bank Syariah Indonesia customers and also makes it easier to search and store data, especially data related to financing, which can be done easily.</em></p> Satria - Yanti Rahayu Rudi Budi Agung Marisa - ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 345 351 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.357 IMPLEMENTASI METODE PROTOTYPE DALAM SISTEM ABSENSI SISWA SMK NEGERI 1 SIKUR http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/366 <p><em>The incorporation of information technology is critically important in various aspects of life, with education being no exception. Technology has demonstrated its efficacy in supporting the operations of numerous institutions, including educational establishments. Nevertheless, despite the swift progress of technology, many institutions, particularly schools, still adhere to traditional systems in their daily operations. This includes the procedure for tracking student attendance, which can result in inefficiencies. This research endeavors to address this issue by conceptualizing, constructing, and implementing a web-based system for managing student attendance, focusing on streamlining the process of recording and handling attendance data. This system utilizes web technology and a database to establish a platform, with CodeIgniter4 serving as the fundamental framework for website development, following the prototype method. The research is carried out at SMKN 1 SIKUR and the system will record student attendance data, which will be stored in the database of SMK N 1 Sikur, and is expected to replace the current method of recording student attendance. The percentage of respondents with a "strongly agree" opinion increased from 36% to 52% after the update to the previous prototype. It is hoped that further development can be undertaken to facilitate direct implementation.</em></p> Tiya Suryaning Tyas Royana Afwani Santi Ika Murprawati Arik Aranta ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 352 363 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.366 RANCANG BANGUN ALGORITMA KONVERSI SUARA BERBAHASA INDONESIA MENJADI TEKS LATIN BERBAHASA SASAK MENGGUNAKAN METODE DICTIONARY BASED http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/371 <p><em>As time goes by, the use of the Sasak language among the people of Lombok is decreasing. In fact, the Sasak language is the identity of the island of Lombok which needs to be preserved as a heritage for the younger generation. The increasingly rapid development of technology has encouraged the emergence of innovation in creating various inventions that can facilitate human activities. One innovation that can be developed is speech to text technology. This technology can recognize human voices and then convert them into text. This is of interest to the author in designing a system that implements Google’s speech to text API to translate Indonesian words or sentences into Sasak. The translation from Indonesian to Sasak was carried out by applying a dictionary based system to produce an appropriate translation. The testing process was carried out by translating 25 sentences taken from the Sasak-Indonesian Dictionary and consisting of 117 words. In this research, there were two stages of testing carried out. The first test was carried out to determine the accuracy of the results of the Indonesian translation into Sasak using the dictionary based method. The second test was carried out to determine the accuracy of the Google Speech API in recognizing voice input and then converting it into text. From the first test, the system accuracy results in translating Indonesian to Sasak using the dictionary based method were 100% and the error rate was 0%. Meanwhile, from the second test, the results showed that the system could implement the Google Speech API to translate Indonesian words or sentences into Sasak with an accuracy of 99.14%.</em></p> Marwati Maryam Shabrina Arik Aranta Budi Irmawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 364 375 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.371 ANALYSIS OF MEDICINE SALES CLASSIFICATION USING DECISION TREE METHOD http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/375 <p><em>Medicine sales are an important aspect in the pharmaceutical industry that requires effective analytical strategies to improve business performance and understand consumer patterns. This research aims to analyze medicine sales using Decision Tree method.The Decision Tree method is used to identify patterns and main factors that influence medicine sales. Decision trees will help in understanding the hierarchy of these factors and provide a clear view of the relationships between variables. These clusters can help in determining market segmentation and more specific sales strategies.The medicine sales data used in this research involves variables such as type of medicine, price, time of sale, and promotions carried out. The results of this analysis are expected to provide in-depth insight into sales trends, consumer preferences, and key factors that can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of medicine marketing strategies. By implementing this approach, it is hoped that pharmaceutical companies can make more informed decisions, minimize risks, and improve overall medicine sales performance. This research also contributes to the development of sales analysis methodology in the context of the pharmaceutical industry. </em><em>The results of the Apply Model Decision Tree algorithm, obtained a true positive cash classification accuracy value of 75%, true positive Credit 66.67% and true positive Qris 100% class precision with an overall accuracy value of 80%. The level of accuracy between decision tree predictions and data testing is very high. This proves it that the Decision Tree Algorithm is suitable as a model for classification in this research</em></p> Valian Yoga Pudya Ardhana Noor Alamsyah M. Dermawan Mulyodiputro Lilik Hidayati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 376 383 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.375 PENERAPAN FRAMEWORK COBIT 5 UNTUK MENGANALISIS TATA KELOLA TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DALAM KONTEKS KEAMANAN INFORMASI (STUDI KASUS: SISTEM INFORMASI KOMPENSASI) http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/378 <p><em>This study aims to assess the information security governance of the Compensation information systems within the Department of Information Technology at Malang State Polytechnic, utilizing the COBIT 5 framework. Specifically, the evaluation focuses on the APO13 (Manage Security) and DSS05 (Manage Security Services) domains. By conducting interviews and observations, the research scrutinizes the proficiency level within both domains. The assessment findings reveal that the capability level of APO13 stands at level 1 (performed process), while DSS05 is at level 2 (managed process). Gap analysis exposes variances between the attained and anticipated levels. Recommendations for enhancement encompass the formulation of written documentation, devising risk management plans, conducting internal security audits, overseeing information system protection, and evaluating access rights utilization. The study’s conclusion furnishes a comprehensive portrayal of the state of information security governance concerning Compensation systems, laying the groundwork for future enhancement initiatives and scholarly inquiry.&nbsp;</em></p> Meyti Eka Apriyani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 384 390 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.378 PEMANFAATAN BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE UNTUK ANALISIS PRODUKSI PADI DI PULAU SUMATERA http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/381 <p><em>Pertanian padi di wilayah Sumatera memegang peran penting dalam memastikan ketersediaan pangan bagi Indonesia. Namun, tantangan serius terkait dengan organisasi dan sistematisasi data pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman padi di pulau ini membatasi efektivitas pengambilan keputusan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan pemanfaatan business intelligence untuk menganalisis produksi padi di Sumatera dengan fokus pada pengembangan dashboard sistem. Melalui pendekatan ini, data yang ada akan diorganisir dan dianalisis dengan baik untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang dinamika pertumbuhan tanaman padi di wilayah ini. Pendekatan praktis yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah pengembangan dashboard sistem yang menggunakan business intelligence sebagai pusat informasi menyeluruh, mencakup berbagai aspek terkait pertanian padi di Sumatera. Dengan menggunakan business intelligence, dashboard ini diharapkan mampu menganalisis data pertumbuhan tanaman padi secara sistematis dan mudah dipahami. Informasi yang disajikan mencakup berbagai aspek, seperti tren luas pertanaman padi di tiap provinsi, perbandingan produksi padi, rata-rata curah hujan, suhu, tingkat kelembapan, dan peramalan luas panen. Diharapkan pemanfaatan business intelligence dalam pembuatan sistem dashboard untuk menganalisis produksi padi dapat memberikan wawasan yang lebih mendalam kepada para pemangku kepentingan dalam industri pertanian, memudahkan mereka dalam pengambilan keputusan yang lebih baik, dan pada akhirnya, meningkatkan produktivitas dan keberlanjutan sektor pertanian padi.</em></p> Nazmi Wardiani Santi Ika Murpratiwi Lyudza Aprilia Kansha Gita Mailand Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 391 399 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.381 MENGURANGI TABRAKAN SINYAL DI JARINGAN MANET DENGAN METODE DPT PADA PROTOKOL ROUTING FSR http://jtika.if.unram.ac.id/index.php/JTIKA/article/view/382 <p>Sinyal komunikasi memainkan peran sentral dalam memastikan keberhasilan transmisi data dan konektivitas antar perangkat di dalam jaringan <em>Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET)</em>. Sinyal ini memungkinkan perangkat untuk berkomunikasi satu sama lain dan mentransmisikan data. Sebelum dilakukan pengiriman data, perlu dilakukan proses <em>routing</em> untuk mengetahui rute menuju perangkat tujuan yang hal ini dilakukan oleh protokol routing. Pada penelitian ini digunakan protokol routing proaktif yaitu <em>Fisheye State Routing (FSR) </em>dimana FSR secara berkala harus selalu melakukan <em>update</em> tabel routing sehingga membuat perangkat jaringan sering berkomunikasi satu dengan yang lain. Banyaknya jumlah perangkat dalam jaringan yang saling berkomunikasi akan membuat sinyal komunikasi saling bertabrakan. Tabrakan sinyal komunikasi merupakan salah satu faktor utama yang dapat menurunkan kinerja jaringan, salah satunya adalah penurunan <em>throughput</em> yang berdampak pada keberhasilan pengiriman data karena dapat menyebabkan data yang ditransmisikan menjadi rusak atau hilang. Penelitian ini mengusulkan adanya pengelolaan jarak jangkauan kekuatan sinyal komunikasi menggunakan metode <em>Dynamic Power Transmission</em> <em>(DPT)</em> yang diterapkan pada kerangka protokol routing FSR. Metode DPT secara dinamis akan menyesuaikan jarak jangkauan sinyal berdasarkan tingkat kepadatan node tetangga sehingga tabrakan sinyal dapat dikurangi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa protokol routing DPT-FSR memberikan kinerja yang lebih baik sehingga meningkatkan nilai throughput dan packet delivery ratio (PDR) serta menurunkan end to endt delay jika dibandingkan dengan protokol routing FSR standar. Protokol routing DPT-FSR mampu memberikan rata-rata peningkatan throughput sebesar 67.49%, peningkatan PDR sebesar 20.38%, dan mengurangi end to end delay sebesar 29.44% dari berbagai variasi kepadatan node.</p> Andy Hidayat Jatmika Raphael Bianco Huwae Santi Ika Murpratiwi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 6 1 400 408 10.29303/jtika.v6i1.382